The strong association of sarcopenia with insulin resistance and dysglycemia

The role of fiber type distribution in age-induced insulin resistance remains controversial. In obese older adults however, there is greater lipid content within skeletal muscle, which is associated with diminished muscle insulin sensitivity; this might in part, explain why Fenoprofen Calcium sarcopenia did not confer protection from dysglycemia and diabetes in obese older adults. Further work is needed to illuminate the roles of fiber type distribution and intramyocellular lipid accumulation in age-related insulin resistance and diabetes. Chronic low-grade inflammation is now recognized as a central mediator of obesity-associated insulin resistance. Genetic and pharmacologic inhibition of inflammatory mediators is shown to prevent diet- and obesity-induced insulin resistance as well as prevent accelerated loss of muscle mass with age. Our data also suggest that in young and middle-aged individuals sarcopenia is associated with greater inflammation. This association was not seen in Chlorpheniramine Maleate nonobese older adults. This pattern mirrors the strong association of sarcopenia with insulin resistance and dysglycemia in young adults, in contrast to the weaker association in older adults, suggesting that inflammation may have a role in the development of metabolic complications from sarcopenia. Our study had some important limitations. The cross-sectional nature of the study limits our ability to draw causal inferences from the relationships observed. For instance, it is possible that diabetes and dysglycemia lead to sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity. However, the strength of the observed associations and their persistence after exclusion of individuals with type 2 diabetes, bolster the case for sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity causing insulin resistance and dysglycemia. Secondly, as NHANES III was conducted among the non-institutionalized U.S. population, and because participants who were physically unable to attend the mobile examination center were not included in our analysis, we may have underestimated the prevalence of sarcopenia.Finally, we used BI to estimate muscle mass, which may have led to some individuals being erroneously classified in or out of the sarcopenic obese category.

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